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本视频教程是由cmiVFX机构出品的SpeedTree创建数码森林工具视频教程,cmiVFX Creating Digital Forest Assets Volume 1,时长:2小时49分,大小:1.50 GB,MP4高清视频格式,教程使用软件:C4D,SpeedTree,PS,作者:Chris Maynard,官方发布日期:2012年11月7日,语言:英语。人人CG整理发布。

CMIVFX已经在长达十年的时间里成为使用L-System进行3D森林的领导者,使用的软件有HOUDINI,CINEMA 4D。但是时代转变了,出现了很多新的技术,当你能够使用IDV的SpeedTree建模器以后,使用Turtle计算公式来创建枝干与叶子的时代已经过去了。这个工具是专门用于在视频游戏中生成树木的,它也被用于高端的电影制作中。原因就是它在生成树木方面的效率。只需要几分钟,你就能从IDV的树木库中得到一个随机的树木变种。我们来考虑个问题,如果你是负责设计一些不存在的树木,那么应该怎么做呢?或许你是要设计一种外星生活,还活着是创建爱你一种在默认库中不存在的植物亚种,还或者你是需要创建高分辨率的树木。在本教学中我们将告诉大家来制作一些assets,还有将它们导入到SPEEDTREE中,我们将带领大家学习每一步的内容,包括了照相,数码绘制技术,图像变形技巧,还有允许你有弹性的外观设计的技术。

工业光魔采用SpeedTree Cinema软件来制作电影《阿凡达》中潘朵拉星球上的树木场景。IDV的新版本软件SpeedTree Studio已经上市,售价895美元。
IDV已经推出了Speed Tree Studio,这是SpeedTree Cinema树木制作软件的实惠版本,价格会有所下降。新产品将这项技术的价格从4995美元降到895美元。
SpeedTree Studio有许多SpeedTree Cinema中的功能,包括用程序或是手绘来制作树木的选项,还有模拟风的效果的选项;但是缺少浮动许可证,世界的构建,直接研发支持和64-bit版本。

cmiVFX Creating Digital Forest Assets Volume 1
cmiVFX has been the leader in 3d forest calculations for a decade using mathematical equations for growing trees in L-System parsing applications, such as Houdini and Cinema 4D. However the times have changed over the years, and new methods have come along with them. The days of using turtle equations for the sole purpose of creating branches and leaves are all but a memory when you have access to IDV’s SpeedTree Modeler. This modeler is highly specialized for creating trees in a Video Game Pipeline, and as of recently, been used for high end feature film work. The magic is in the speed of which it can generate trees. it only takes minutes to spit out randomized variations of IDV’s infamous tree library so that you have a totally unique set of assets. Let’s just ask one follow up question. What if you are in charge of designing trees that don’t yet exist? Perhaps an insight to Alien Life, or simply a call out to a popular sub species of plants not found in the default libraries, or better yet… the need to create high resolution trees to perform dynamic events on them in other visual effects applications. The magic is now back in the hands of the artist. In this volume we show you how to generate assets prior to even getting them into Speedtree. We take you through each step starting from photography, all the way to digital painting techniques and image restoration tips and tricks that will allow for your look development to be flexible and manageable with standard file structures. When your dealing with 500 VFX shots and all of them have moving alien trees with FX applied to them, there really is only one choice for learning how to deal with such a mess. (This is the part where you whisper, “Is it cmiVFX?” ..and you would be correct)

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